Nobody plans for a medical emergency, but when you’re faced with a sudden health crisis, you can rely on our medical professionals to be there for you. Our 18-bed Emergency Department gives residents of our community access to a Level IV Trauma Center with 15 private treatment rooms and 3 trauma bays.
We provide emergency services 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. Our 18 bed Emergency Department (ED) receives over 22,000 patient visits annually - making the Emergency Department one of our most valuable services to the community. Our team consists of highly trained ED physicians and medical specialists including, orthopedics, tele-stroke doctors, cardiologists and mid-level providers along with nurses that are certified with advanced cardiac life support and pediatric advanced life support. We handle everything from the initial diagnosis of illness to stabilization of major injuries and severe health events.
Waiting times in the ED depend on how urgent your problem is — people with more serious problems have priority over people with less urgent conditions.
The Emergency Department team responds to those with the most serious medical condition first, treating all others in accordance with the severity of their illness or injury. Top priority is given to individuals in a life-threatening situation, such as cardiac arrest, respiratory distress, unstable vital signs or severe injury.
If you need care when an injury or illness can’t wait for an appointment, you may be wondering whether your medical concern is severe enough for the emergency room or if it can be handled in an urgent care facility. The main difference between these two facilities is their ability to treat serious or life-threatening illnesses or injuries. While an emergency room is prepared to handle life-and-limb-threatening ailments, an urgent care center should not be relied upon in these situations. Rather, an urgent care center is designed to supplement your family doctor’s care after hours, on weekends, or when you are unable to get an appointment.
You should call 911 or seek medical treatment from an emergency room in the following scenarios:
The staff at almost any urgent care center is perfectly capable of treating the following conditions: