Join Us For Our New Celebratory Dinner Dance at the Paicines Ranch
The Foundation is very excited to invite you to our Dinner Dance on November 2, 2024. We look forward to a beautiful evening where we can all be together while raising funds for our amazing Hospital. Our event evolved over the last few years and thanks to you, was a great success. We would be pleased to have you join us this year for an elegant evening at the Paicines Ranch.
We are seeking sponsorships for this event; our primary donor recognition and fundraising event of the year. Join us to raise funds for the Hospital that will be dedicated to our current fundraising campaign: “Invest in the Future of San Benito County Healthcare, We Deserve It.” Funds raised for this campaign are designated to Patient Care Area Improvements and Equipment Purchases.
This year we will be honoring The Hazel Hawkins Auxiliary as our Donors of the Year for their support and giving to Hazel Hawkins Memorial Hospital and the Foundation, and theCalera Wine Company/Duckhorn Portfolio, as our Business Donor of the Year for their years of generous support. We will also be honoring Doug and Suzie Mays as our “Heart for Hazel” recipients for their years of dedication to the Hospital and the Foundation.
We are looking forward to a wonderful event this year. We thank you, our amazing donors, who have been so supportive of Hazel Hawkins Hospital. Kindly respond by October 18, 2024 to ensure your name is included in all marketing materials. Visit our website for more information.
Once again, thank you for considering our request,
Liz Sparling, Director
Hazel Hawkins Hospital Foundation
Golden Memorial-Mary Ann Barragan, Insight Health Foundation of California
Ann Marie Barragan, Mary Casillas & Scott Willingham, Fox Rothschild LLP, Jeri Hernandez, Mary McCullough, Teknova, Inc., Noland, Hamerly Etienne & Hoss
B. Riley Financial, Carol Hart, Carol & Gerald Hawkins, Shelton Insurance, Pat Slatten, True Leaf Farms, US Bank
Dr. Ralph & Deb Armstrong, Dr. M. Aslam Barra & Rohena Barra, Amy Breen-Lema & Mark Lema, Irene & Ted Davis, Jacqueline & Eduardo Fernandez, Kay Filice, Anita Frusetta, Frankie & Richard Gallagher, Monika Hassler, Annette Heppler, Marquez Plumbing, Dr. Mike & Rachel McGinnis, Jack Murphy, Fernando & Nancy Oliveira, Mark & Lynda Robinson, US Acute Care Solutions, Don & Dianne Winn, Gerry & Dave Wright
Shonna Avant, Futura Mobility, LLC, Ed & Debbie Loos, Doug & Suzie Mays, Kris & Danny Waller